Hey peeps,we are goin to list some of our inside jokes..But before
we go we'er goin to do some shout outs..
Kelsey- you have been there for me through thick and thin..we have
so many mems..bffe..awaf..luv ya girl..
Jennie-you are one of our good friends you have helped us both with
our problems and hope we stay friends..luv ya girl..
Claire-you have always been there for us....and always be..luv ya girl..............
Rachel-Your so funnie couldn't live with out u....luv ya girl................
Morgan-You have always been there for me through thick and thin..
Even though we have gotton in some little gay fights we always work
em out cause we kno that we'll always love each other!Thanx for all
u've done and for the things to come!luv ya *so* much!! mauh!!
Hey breadstick.....lol......-------Few of our inside jokes---------
Hey Ya.......Sock.....stress ball, We love you Morgan sooooooooooo much, i'm goin crazy, weeeeesnawwwwww,cows, horseies, Social
Studies Fair, Spots, keyboard, gum, cocabanna, tutu............lol, Fence, MY SHOE!!!:*(, Water, Elevator, leg, Macados Well
thats all we're goin but on here.........
~*mla*~ *~~*Mo*~ & ~*Kels*~~*MO*~, You have always been there 4 me!! Don't no what i would do wit u!! u will always be my bffe...................................
hehehehehehe lol lol lol!!!!
~*Kelsey*~ You have been there for me through Thick andThin........Hope you never change....spots.......hehe.....luv u girl
Hey! thanx for comin 2 our site
~mla~ ~*Mo & Kels*~
THANX!! hehehehehehehe! |
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